Synthetic braided wigs with a natural - looking textureBody Wave Bulk Hair Extensions for Braiding

Bundle Stretched Length 14" (1 Bundle/100g) 16" (1 Bundle/100g) 18" (1 Bundle/100g) 20" (1 Bundle/100g) 22" (1 Bundle/100g) 24" (1 Bundle/100g) 26" (1 Bundle/100g) 28" (1 Bundle/100g) 14" 14" (2 Bundles) 16" 16" (2 Bundles) 18" 18" (2 Bundles) 20" 20" (2 Bundles) 22" 22" (2 Bundles) 24" 24" (2 Bundles) 26" 26" (2 Bundles) 28" 28" (2 Bundles) 14" 16" (2 Bundles) 16" 18" (2 Bundles) 18" 20" (2 Bundles) 20" 22" (2 Bundles) 22" 24" (2 Bundles) 14" 14" 14" (3 Bundles) 16" 16" 16" (3 Bundles) 18" 18" 18" (3 Bundles) 20" 20" 20" (3 Bundles) 22" 22" 22" (3 Bundles) 24" 24" 24" (3 Bundles) 26" 26" 26" (3 Bundles) 28" 28" 28" (3 Bundles) 14" 16" 18" (3 Bundles) 16" 18" 20" (3 Bundles) 18" 20" 22" (3 Bundles) 20" 22" 24" (3 Bundles) 22" 24" 26" (3 Bundles) 24" 26" 28" (3 Bundles) 22" 22" 22" 22" (4 Bundles) 24" 24" 24" 24" (4 Bundles) 26" 26" 26" 26" (4 Bundles) 28" 28" 28" 28" (4 Bundles) 20" 22" 24" 26" (4 Bundles) 22" 24" 26" 28" (4 Bundles)
Hair Color Natural Color
Body wave braiding human hair extensions remains detached from any weft, facilitating versatile techniques including ventilating, crocheting, twisting, Brazilian knots, micro beading, fusion, and more. This hair type necessitates minimal upkeep and can be colored and styled like your natural hair.


  • Hair type: 100% human hair
  • Longevity: 6 to 18 months dependent on the application
  • Application: Wig-making, braiding, and fusion
  • Wefting: Hair is completely loose and held together by a string
  • Quantity Needed: 1-2 packs under 16", 3+ packs 18" & longer
  • Weight: Approximately 3.5 ounces