Colored wig with a red - orange hue for a warm and energetic lookFABA 7x5 Transparent Lace Wig #27 Honey Blonde Wig Curly Wig 3D Dome Cap Pre-Bleached Natural Hair

Lace 4x4( 24hrs Shipping) 7x5( 24hrs Shipping)
Length 14 inch/ 150% 14 inch/ 180%

Brand Name FABA WIGS Hair Material 100% Human Hair Wig
Hair Texture Water wave Density 150%/ 180% Density Hair Length 14-28 inch
Cap Size Average 22-22.5 Inch With Adjustable Straps Lace Wig Type 4x4/ 7x5 Lace
Hair Color #27 Honey Blonde