Long - length braided wigs for a glamorous and voluminous styleWater Wave Weft Bundles Human Hair

Bundle Stretched Length 14" (1 Bundle/100g) 16" (1 Bundle/100g) 18" (1 Bundle/100g) 20" (1 Bundle/100g) 22" (1 Bundle/100g) 24" (1 Bundle/100g) 26" (1 Bundle/100g) 28" (1 Bundle/100g) 14" 14" (2 Bundles) 16" 16" (2 Bundles) 18" 18" (2 Bundles) 20" 20" (2 Bundles) 22" 22" (2 Bundles) 24" 24" (2 Bundles) 26" 26" (2 Bundles) 28" 28" (2 Bundles) 14" 16" (2 Bundles) 16" 18" (2 Bundles) 18" 20" (2 Bundles) 20" 22" (2 Bundles) 22" 24" (2 Bundles) 12" 12" 12" (3 Bundles) 14" 14" 14" (3 Bundles) 16" 16" 16" (3 Bundles) 18" 18" 18" (3 Bundles) 20" 20" 20" (3 Bundles) 22" 22" 22" (3 Bundles) 24" 24" 24" (3 Bundles) 26" 26" 26" (3 Bundles) 28" 28" 28" (3 Bundles) 12" 14" 16" (3 Bundles) 14" 16" 18" (3 Bundles) 16" 18" 20" (3 Bundles) 18" 20" 22" (3 Bundles) 20" 22" 24" (3 Bundles) 22" 24" 26" (3 Bundles) 24" 26" 28" (3 Bundles) 26" 28" 30" (3 Bundles) 18" 18" 18" 18" (4 Bundles) 20" 20" 20" 20" (4 Bundles) 22" 22" 22" 22" (4 Bundles) 24" 24" 24" 24" (4 Bundles) 26" 26" 26" 26" (4 Bundles) 28" 28" 28" 28" (4 Bundles) 20" 22" 24" 26" (4 Bundles) 22" 24" 26" 28" (4 Bundles)
Hair Color Natural Color

If you want to make heads turn, you have found your style.
Hair Quality:100% Virgin Hair
Hair Color: Natural Color
Weight: 3.5 ounces
Longevity: Last 6 to 18 months dependent on the application
Weft Type: Double machine wefted to ensure longevity and minimize shedding
Length Measurement: In Straight State
Recommendations: Lengths up to 26 inches: 3 bundles recommended for a natural full look Lengths 28 inches and longer four bundles is recommended for a natural full look