Ponytails made from recycled materials for an eco - friendly optionWhirlwind Hairpiece by Henry Margu | Synthetic

Color 1BH - Off Black /Med Dk Brown Htls 4H - Med Dk Brown/Med Brown Htls 6H - Chestnut Brown/Auburn Htls 8H - Med Brown/Gldn Brown Htls 12H - Gldn Brown/Lt Gold Blonde Htls 14H - Dk Blonde/Lt Wheat Blnd Htls 16H - Ash Blonde/Platinum Blnd Htls 24H18 - Lt Ash Brown/Gold Blnd Htls 26H - Lt Gold Blonde/Lt Blnd Htls 33H - Dk Auburn/Copper Red Htls 88H - Dk Straw Blnd/Lt Wheat Blnd Htls 614H - Lt Wheat Blnd/Lt Gold Blnd Htls 130H 131H 27/26H 27AH 29H

Product Overview:

Brand: Henry Margu Mane Attraction Hairpieces

Type of Hair: Synthetic

Approx. Weight: 2.95 ounces

Approx. Hair Length: Overall 15 - 16 inches

Color(s) Shown on Model(s): 24H18, 8H


Quick Combs butterfly comb hairpiece. Now it's possible to achieve a quick fashion fix with this mane attraction hairpiece from Henry Margu that jaw clips on to your own hair.